A major disaster strikes. The donation pools open and many people are eager to help. But over time, the constant calls for donations can fade into the background, and some people may stop hearing them altogether. Australian agency JWT Sydney wanted to find a fresh and innovative way of raising funds for the Red Cross Japan Appeal, and they found it in this Donate a Plate campaign using Japanese sushi train restaurants as their channel.
Special donation plates were placed amongst the sushi on the trains, all in different colours to represent different donation amounts. When it came time to pay their bill, customers were invited to take a plate and pay their donation at the cashier. These donation plates were then stacked in the restaurants to represent the rebuilding of Japan, acting as a spectacle to encourage further donations.
The Green Room Verdict: The campaign broke through the clutter and managed to raise over $15,000 for the Red Cross Japan Appeal. Using sushi restaurants was a great idea – as people came and enjoyed the Japanese culture and cuisine, many wouldn't be able to help donating to a country who gave them this experience. No wonder it won a Silver Outdoor Lion at Cannes!
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