
Be wary of all driving mistakes – not just your own.

The summer holidays are a hazardous time on the open roads of New Zealand. It's often during this period that we are bombarded with gruesome advertising campaigns. You know the ones – ads that make it all too clear that the faster you go, the bigger the mess. However, many of us deny this truth, or simply believe it won't happen to us… we reckon we're all pretty good drivers, and that even when we speed, we're still in control. The New Zealand Transport Agency has cottoned on to this notion and changed it's messaging accordingly. This season their advertising asks drivers to slow down because of the mistakes that other drivers make. The ensuing campaign really hammers home the dangers of speeding and how someone else's simple mistake can cost lives.

The latest television spot shows two drivers on the verge of having a serious accident – one driver is speeding on a straight road, and the other doesn't see the driver as he pulls out in front. Before the collision takes place, everything suddenly pauses. During this extended paused moment, both drivers get out of the car and reason with each other about how to avoid the crash. But alas, the speeding driver explains that his speed will prevent him from stopping in time. Both drivers hop back into their vehicles as the moment converts back into real time, and we are left to watch the collision happen without hope of another outcome.

The Green Room Verdict: This advert, while devastating, is definitely effective in its communication: firstly, it details the implications of speeding (as usual), and secondly, it explains that everyone makes mistakes… but in driving, there is not always the opportunity to learn from them. Adjusting our speed to be within the limit can help in reducing the severity of other driver's errors.

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