
Advertisement written in 'dog' gets tongues wagging

With over half a million dogs in New Zealand, it's important that our fellow canines voice their opinions on the 'big issues'. So when reports came out about vets suggesting we 'ditch the stick' in games of fetch for fear of serious injury, dogs certainly made sure they got a word in!

Written entirely from the perspective of a dog (complete with woofs, sniffs and licks), the Beneful brand of dog food seized the opportunity to give canines across the country a say in the form of a simple advert. The faux article which appeared in the New Zealand herald underpinned what the Beneful brand is all about ("Play. It's good for you") and certainly got the attention of their target audience, dog owners. This jovial ad is a reminder that being 'on brand' doesn't necessarily mean following strict rules on the use of colours, specific fonts and approved imagery. A brand is more than a strong visual identity – at it's heart a brand is a thought brought to life in ways that connects with its audience. And in this case, the essence of Beneful was heard loud and clear!

The Green Room Verdict: This advert provided a great opportunity for Beneful to meet new customers. It's topical, unique and fun to read (plus it would have been a laugh for the copywriter). We definitely agree with Beneful – play IS good for you!

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