
Peugeot's inflatable safety message

We've mentioned the nature of today's advertising-saturated world before, and touched on the extraordinary lengths some go in getting their message noticed. While print is seen as quite a humble advertising medium compared to others these days, Peugeot went to the extreme with this magazine ad – complete with airbag.

In advertising the safety benefits of Peugeot's new 408 model, a three page ad sequence was placed in the influential Brazilian business magazine Exame. The first page of the ad invited readers to hit a spot on the image of the vehicle. Once hit, a tiny airbag inflated on the opposite side of the page… and turning over revealed the interior of the 408, with the airbag protruding out of the steering wheel.

The Green Room Verdict: So the idea is, of course, wicked. But the lengths they went in getting this ad workable is just nuts. The magazine had to be sold in special packaging, just to ensure the airbag was not activated by accident. Once you get over the money spent and the environmental waste factor, it's an awesome ad that is pushing a medium in ways never thought possible.


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