
Urinal stickers take aim at Auckland drink-drivers

Though it doesn't come as a surprise that drink driving related offenses increase after weekend sports games, this method of creating awareness might. In a pre-Rugby World Cup blitz, heat-sensitive urinal stickers have been dotted around more than 100 sports clubs in Auckland, encouraging males to "make it a good one, make it home".
The stickers, which reveal the 'sober driver' message when urinated on, are aimed at males aged 18-24 that attend rugby, football and rugby league clubs. But the campaign doesn't stop at stickers – a cheerleader squad dancing to a song specially created for the cause helped to launch the campaign, and the message is also being spread across posters, bar mats, chip cup stickers and scratch cards.

All Black legend Michael Jones has also pitched in as the voice of the campaign. “There’s nothing better than catching up with mates after the game in the clubrooms, it can be a big part of a players sporting life, but drinking and driving shouldn’t be. Look out for your mates and loved ones, get a sober driver and get home safe.”

The Green Room Verdict: Due to the unique, er, positioning of this campaign, we know it will benefit from increased interest and awareness. It would be pretty cool if the stickers could detect alcohol in the urine and come up with an appropriate message, but this does run the risk of the young adults drinking purposefully to activate the sticker. There is a chance that this campaign may be replicated in other regions across the New Zealand which would be great if it extended into main stadiums during the Rugby World Cup.

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