
See who you're helping

Since we're good samaritans (and occasionally need to clear the accumulated spare change from our wallets), donating money to a worthy cause is something we all do at one point or another. But have you ever wondered exactly where the money you donate goes? Check out this interactive campaign from WWF Brazil that helped to ease the fears of cautious donors.

In gyms, cinemas and various office reception areas, WWF set up magnetic posters that invited audiences to attach a coin donation on to it. The poster marked out allocated areas for different coin denominations to be placed. As more coins were added, the shape of an animal was revealed – letting donors know exactly which animal their cash was going towards. It's not just a good way to raise money, but the colours and sizes of the coins creates a bit of a visual masterpiece, capturing the attention of curious onlookers.

The Green Room Verdict: We like the idea of playing on people's curiosity, encouraging them to donate and uncover the hidden animal. However, the posters would have to be kept in secure areas under a constant watchful eye, meaning there are other unspoken components to consider when undertaking this kind of project (and other hidden costs, too).

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