There are some video games that have that little extra something. It's the something that whispers in your ear to play for 'just another 5 minutes', causes you to put off cleaning the car until you 'beat the boss', and makes you itchy when you haven't played in a while. When T-Mobile decided to make a real-life version of the exceedingly popular Angry Birds game, they cashed in on that little extra something for an outdoor stunt that truly hit it off.
The Green Room Verdict: Another striking example of how fun games can get the attention of the public, with a video that has tons of viral potential. Although the spectacle doesn't have a particularly strong link with T-Mobile, this is part of what makes the viral video work. It is not an obvious advertisement, nor is it fake. It's a brief, memorable video that is easy to share… which is a formula that T-Mobile has had success with in the past (remember their Royal Wedding spoof?).
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